Be Proactive and Create Achievable Tasks with Value Scout’s Planning Tools

Annual and quarterly plans get built—and ignored—all the time. With Value Scout, you can assign each objective and initiative a target value and align your goals against long-term value creation in bite-sized increments. When the actual value is assigned to objectives and initiatives, it becomes much easier to keep your eye on the prize: a successful value creation strategy that leads to a successful exit.

Once you’ve identified your value gap and the corresponding value growth targets, Value Scout helps you turn them into an achievable task list to get there. Turn long-range plans into annual and quarterly goals. Assign each initiative a target value with our Value Recon Algorithm™ and align your leadership team against long-term value creation in bite-sized increments.

How to Start Planning

To get started with Value Scout’s planning toolset, users can use Value Scout’s AI-assisted Recommendations, or the Findings feature within your or your client’s Findings Backlog as starting points. Using those features can help guide you or your client through planning with a purpose behind your plans. Users can also input their own objectives and initiatives outside of those features.

Annual Plan

The annual plan is a year-long planning tool that allows you, your company, or your client to view the year at a glance through your objectives.

Within the annual plan, you are prompted to create yearly objectives where you can:

  • Sort by relevant metadata such as assignee, due date, department, level of effort, priority, roadblocks, and more.
  • Assign a value to each objective through Value Scout’s AI-Assisted Value Recon™ tool.
  • Bulk edit your objectives.
  • Export your objectives to excel.

Quarterly Plan

The quarterly plan will display your year broken up into the four quarters of the year. Users will create initiatives to be completed within each quarter to tackle your goals with a more digestible short-term view rather than always looking at the entire year.

With the Quarterly Plan feature, users can:

  • Get a deeper dive into your annual objectives and turn them into initiatives.
  • Apply value to your initiatives using Value Scout’s Value Recon™ feature.
  • Create sub-tasks to get even more granular with your initiatives.
  • Bulk edit your initiatives.
  • Export your data to excel.

View Your Plans

View your annual and quarterly plans from three different views:

Overview—View your plans from a wide view of the year or quarter.

Kanban—View your plans in columns of to-dos, in-progress, and completed to get a sorted view.

List—View your plan displayed in a traditional list view.

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Planning Period Wrap-Up

At the end of each planning period, users will be prompted to close out their Dispositions and incomplete objectives and initiatives. This is now the time to start planning for the upcoming quarter. Enter in your objectives and initiatives, discuss with your advisor, and sort through your findings backlog.

At the end of each year, business owners are advised to complete a company valuation to measure the success of the objectives and initiatives by determining the business’s current market value (CMV). This will let you know if you are headed in the right direction, where you need to step it up, and what’s just not working.


  • View how active your clients are.
  • Gain a better understanding of client priorities & perspectives for running the business.
  • Identify instances in which you may need to step in and lend a hand.
  • Help your clients identify the objectives and initiatives they need to stay on track.

Business Owners

  • Check progress on users and top management activity level.
  • Identify who and what may be creating more value for the company.
  • Plan your year and quarter with ease.
  • Identify objectives and initiatives to keep your company on track.

Key Takeaways:

  • Value Scout’s Planning Tools help identify and map out your goals and plans for the year. This one-of-a-kind toolset helps take those yearly objectives you or your client created and turn them into fleshed-out and granular quarterly initiatives.
  • Use Value Recon to help prioritize your objectives and initiatives.
  • Create annual objectives to map out larger goals for the year.
  • Break down your annual objectives to create quarterly initiatives.
  • View your plans from three different views: overview, kanban, and list.
Author Summary:
Dan Doran

Dan Doran

Is the Founder of Value Scout, Quantive and the 2019 Exit Planner of the Year. He is a recognized expert and speaks frequently about M&A, valuations, and developing more deliberate value creation strategies.

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