New Feature: Departments and LOE for Quarterly Plan

Value Scout’s planning framework exists at two levels: annual and quarterly.  And our philosophy continues to be that details are fuzzier at the annual level and more granular for quarterly plans.  So at the annual level, we track objectives that have an estimated enterprise value associated but not super granular detail.   On the other hand, Quarterly plans are where we get the work done.  They are inherently more granular, more visible, and more manageable.

With that in mind, we’ve been hearing that our users would like the ability to track progress (and accountability) by the department.  Done!  As of the most recent release, all Quarterly Plan initiatives can have a department associated with them.  For companies with multiple departments on the platform, this should vastly increase visibility on who’s doing the work… and how much value it’s creating for the company.

On another front – all Initiatives are not equal, right?  Some are super challenging, consume many resources, and bear careful attention to shepherd through the quarter.  And of course, others are much smaller- they are Initiatives that still need doing… they just aren’t as intensive.   With that in mind, we’ve introduced the concept of Level of Effort (or “LOE”).  All Initiatives can now be tagged as Low, Medium, or High LOE.  Each now also has a visible badge on their card, and users can sort /filter against LOE in their dashboard.

These two items should help advisors and company users instantly gain deeper visibility into progress on their plan and complete deeper analysis on month or quarter-end retrospectives!

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Author Summary:
Dan Doran

Dan Doran

Is the Founder of Value Scout, Quantive and the 2019 Exit Planner of the Year. He is a recognized expert and speaks frequently about M&A, valuations, and developing more deliberate value creation strategies.

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